[Case Study] Pin Submit success with Mondiad!

Earlier this spring we decided to challenge the affLIFT* community to our first follow-along contest. We’re super grateful for all the feedback received, and with this in mind, let’s share together the Mondiad journey of our contest winner in a compiled Mondiad case study.

Enjoy the next Mondiad case study where L1Ght was testing push traffic from Mondiad with Pin Submit offers! This case reflects his point of view and a little bit of our advice here and there. For more granular data on this case study or any particular curiosities, check out L1ghts’ follow-along entry on the affLIFT forum.

*If you are not already a member, check today and thank us later. AffLIFT is an affiliate marketing community and forum where industry peers connect, share resources and give each other advice. As they say, affLIFT is all about giving affiliate marketing a LIFT!

On to the real deal:

Campaign setup:

Traffic Source: Mondiad
Tracking Tool: Bemob
Affiliate Network: Traffic Company, Golden Goose, Monetizer, Mobidea
Type of Offer: Pin submit, 1 CLick/2 CLick flow
Traffic: Classic Push, In-Page Push
Bidding model: CPC
Offer Payout: Various, according to GEOs
Duration: 22 February – 22 March 2023

“I believe this campaign will be successful because I have previously tried Mondiad traffic and it was good in terms of quality and price. My goal is to delve deeper into the green.”

Getting started:

Offers have been chosen from the affiliate networks mentioned above based on top performance, account manager’s recommendations, as well as offers from GEOs with which the user had previous good experiences.

Ad creatives:

ad creative for pin submit from Mondiad

  • The ad creatives portray a message telling the viewer they have been chosen to win a prize, like a financial prize or iPhone.
  • Testing more than 10 creatives was needed for optimization and spy tools like SpyPush were used for inspiration.

Landing pages:

  • As for the landing pages, it goes the same as with the creatives. The page tells the visitor they won a financial prize or an iPhone, financial prizes usually work better.
  • In this case, English was used instead of the local language but the local currency was set over the dollar.
  • Testing two landing pages to see which one performs better.

Update 1: 22 – 27 Feb
Spent: 810$
Rev. Offers: 730$
Rev. ProPush: 55$
Rev. ASC: 226$Profit: 201$ “24.81%”                                                 
During the course of the first week, the focus was put on gathering data in order to know how to optimize the results. 

There were several campaigns created, each separated by WiFi and carrier.

More campaigns were launched in the countries with more clicks while for less performing campaigns the bid was raised/doubled. Some offers started receiving clicks after raising the CPC.

Monitoring results to identify successful parameters such as IPs, SubIDs, Creatives, Carriers, Device Types, Browsers, Cities, and ZoneIds and removing those least performing.

Started creating whitelists.

Have activated the Mondiad optimization rules for all campaigns to block subIDs spending more than I want.


Mondiad campaign results

Mondiad campaign results



Update 2: 05 – 15 Mar
Spent: 774$
Rev. Offers: 477$
Rev. ProPush: 56$
Rev. ASC: 135$           Profit: -106$ “-13,70%”                                                 
Managing a large number of campaigns(33) and not dedicating enough time to their monitoring has seemed to have taken a toll on the overall performance of the campaigns.

Sometimes, the spent is more than the offer payout so new optimization rules were implemented to address the issue.

Meanwhile, some creatives perform better, but they all receive the same amount of traffic. To fix this, new rules were also created for each creative.

Mondiad optimisation rules

Update 3: 16 – 20 Mar
Spent: 270$
Rev. Offers: 189$
Rev. ProPush: 20$
Rev. ASC: 60$
Profit: -1$ “-0.37%”                                                            
It was noted that certain campaigns were not generating as much traffic as before due to advertiser competition so the bid was increased for these campaigns.

Have collected some valuable data like zoneids, subids, IPs and creatives that work well in each country and this info will be used for new campaigns and further optimization.

Automatic rules are currently removing any SubId spent more than offer payout without conversions.

Results, lessons learned & final thoughts!
Spent: 2701$
Rev. Offers: 1997$
Rev. ProPush: 196$
Rev. ASC: 613$

Profit: 105$ “3.89%”                                                     
Despite the need for monitoring and fine-tuning your campaigns, Sweepstakes and Pin Submit Offers are highly profitable in affiliate marketing and a great starting choice for beginners.

As per this case’s results, you can see that by allowing yourself time to gather, understand and fine-tune your campaign’s data you can reach great results.

Our recommendations:
  • Research very well before starting your campaigns. With PIN submits, make sure you check your country of target based on which devices are supported, which carriers are most popular, what’s the best operating system as well as operating system language, browsers, and network connection.
  • Don’t get overwhelmed by creating many campaigns at once. Start with a few and scale from there.
  • Test a lot, especially in the beginning, from creatives to landing pages and whatnot.
  • Automate everything you can to optimize your time and results.
  • Make use of any other ad tech tools that can ease up your work, like spy tools and ad trackers.
  • Ask for advice whenever you feel like it, whether it’s the Mondiad support team, a friend, or a specialized forum.

And that was about it, our first published Mondiad case study. We’ll keep them coming. 😉

In the meantime, tell us what you think about these results. Would you have done something different?

Fancy trying it yourself? You can have your campaign live in less than 10 minutes with Mondiad.

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