All About Mondiad’s Pixel Tracking

Conversion tracking is crucial for affiliate marketing or other types of online advertising campaigns, as it allows advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and optimize them for better results.

The second method (besides the 3rd party trackers) to track conversion in our system is via our free, internal  Pixel Tracker:

Mondiad pixel tracking section

Also known as client-side, cookie-based, in-browser tracking, this method relies on the user’s browser to track conversions by placing a cookie on the click action.

⚠️ Note: We recommend to use pixel tracking as little as possible, as pixel tracking only works for non-mobile web traffic where cookies can be stored. Additionally, major browsers like Safari, Chrome, and Firefox are moving away from allowing tracking-related cookies.


Pixel conversion tracking is very simple and only involves placing the HTML offer pixel on the conversion page. Navigate to the Conversion Tracking section and click on the Pixel Tracking option to see your script, which you will copy and paste into the <HEAD>… </HEAD> of your HTML page, where you want to track conversions.

⚠️ Note: If you add the script to the main page but you want to track conversions on a different page, for example, the Contact page, you need to add the script on that page as well.

EXAMPLE: <script async src="" data-uid="31" data-payout="$1"></script>

  • data-uid="31" this segment shows that this script is linked to your Mondiad userid (in this example 31) which is a numerical value, different for all users.

  • data-payout="$1" this segment represents the payout of the conversion, which is optional but recommended for possible next optimizations. For this example, if your conversion value is $1, setting it will allow our system to understand your data and you will see these values in your reports.


If you want to track 2 conversions ( ex. SignUp + Deposit ) you need to create 2 additional Conversion Goals and place the script on the right pages.

EXAMPLE: <script async src="" data-uid="31" data-goal="5" data-payout="{offer_payout}"></script>

data-goal="5" If you want to track the SignUp action, you will create an additional conversion goal in which you will receive a code (similar to the one from the simple conversion) with a parameter that will identify which goal was reached( SignUp or Deposit ).

The same process applies for the next goal, but you will receive a different script.

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