Test Scenario Using Mondiad’s Built-in Event Tracker!

Mondiad event tracker TESTING

Hey Mondiad advertisers, here`s an update on our built-in even tracking feature.

As you know, the built-in event tracking feature allows you to track the performance of the traffic purchased from Mondiad and optimize the campaign easily without additional costs.

This new function allows you to test if your pixel integration is working properly. Read on to see how easily and quick it works!

How does the test event tracking integration work?

The event tracker feature displayed when you are configuring your ad campaign in the Mondiad platform is now featuring another button: “Test event tracking integration”. 

This button will be displayed to you after adding the mtclick parameter to the URL and the status indicates mtclick= [clickid] parameter set correctly.

Mondiad event tracker

Clicking the “Test event tracking integration” button will trigger a pop-up window displaying the information on how to successfully check if your pixel integration is working properly.

Step 1: Start the integration test!

Clicking the “Click to start the integration test” button, will open a new tab with your website and the proper tokens will be automatically added to your URL.

At this step, you will get a notification saying “Test started” so you`ll know the process has begun.

Mondiad event tracker

Step 2: Waiting to generate a view event

After your website is fully loaded, you will get a notification showing:  “View successfully triggered“.

Mondiad event tracker

Step 3: Waiting to generate an action event

After you click on the element you added as the action trigger, you will get a notification saying “Event successfully registered“.

Mondiad event traker

If the process has completed successfully, at the bottom of the pop-up window, you will get the notification showing: “Congrats! The event tracker is successfully integrated!” 

We will generate a special clickID so we will know that this click is from the conversion testing process. 

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